My Art Style

August 2020

I've been told that my art gives off happy vibes. I guess it's a combination of factors: One, I love the whimsical and I only draw what makes me happy. I like to believe that my joy comes through in my drawings, kinda like you can tell when a meal is prepared by someone with love. I know that sounds corny but my best pieces are the ones I enjoyed drawing, not the ones I drew because I thought they would sell.

When I share my art posts on Facebook art posts, my hashtag is #sharethehappy because I feel simple joy is something so needed, especially during this stressful COVID-19 season.

Second, I shy away from "grown-up" art media like oils, watercolour or charcoal. I prefer the fun stuff like markers, coloured pencils, pastels and oil pastels. There's just something so freeing about using these kiddy implements to create art.

Another reason I love these media is that they come in bright, vibrant hues, which I ♥. When at play, I have a gaudy soul that gravitates towards colour in all its million brilliant shades. They make my heart dance.

So can I describe "happy" as my art style? I like to experiment and I'm still developing, so who knows, my preferences might just change yet! But for now, I hope you enjoy my art and #sharethehappy

Update: When I first started, I only drew architecture. But I've since moved into animals and even landscape which I used to have zero interest in. I even tried my hand at human portraits - something I was never good at! The speed at which God moves and is making me evolve, still stuns me. I have learned not to say "never" or "I can't", because God seems to take this as a personal challenge!

Here's a timeline of my art evolvement which I will update as I go along.