My serendipitous return to art is, funnily enough, thanks to
COVID-19. I’m sure it would never have happened otherwise, because I
wouldn’t have had the time to think about it. As much as it has been fun
and gratifying to see the responses to my art, I felt that to continue
just amassing drawings was a little self-indulgent. Not that drawing for
yourself is wrong, but I had this urge to do something more with it, if
I could
During this pandemic, people have stepped up. Some serve on the
frontline, some volunteer their services, others give blood, etc. I’ve
done none of these. All I’ve done is donate to charities but that felt
inadequate. Then I had this idea: what if I were to sell my art for
charity? That would raise more funds than what I can give as an
So over a month, from mid-June to mid-July, I
decided to put up lots of 5-6 drawings each time on Facebook, each with a
minimum donation sum listed in the description. All proceeds went to one of 4 charities, of the buyer's choice:
Willing Hearts
This was Lot 1:
Peranakan shophouses |
Covid hoarder pack |
Shakespeare and Company, Paris |
Scarves |
Stratford-upon-Avon |
Four of these drawings were sold.
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