Happy New Year!


This has been an eventful year for me, to say the least, and one piece of exciting news I received recently was that I was one of 12 winners of Fusion Art's 14th Artist Spotlight Solo Art Competition. This means I'll get a solo exhibition in February 2022 on their online gallery. The images in my post are a sample of those that will be shown.

I don't know how to describe what this means to me. I guess having won prizes for my art pieces, the surprise is not as electrifying, but still...an exhibition 😱. I've been writing for 30 years (books for 6) and painting for less than 2, yet I've won more awards for art than writing. It feels like one of those fairy tales that only happen to other people.

I look back at this year and marvel at how the concurrence of events (timing, opportunities, bandwidth, people) created the ideal setting for all this to be possible. Someone on Instagram asked me whether I have any art goals for 2022. No, because this has surpassed any goal I could have set for myself! I will just keep painting and if God continues to bless, I will receive with gratitude.

Life is not meant to be lived on auto-pilot, and as proven by this old hen (for the record, I'm 51), new and stimulating chapters can be written all the time. As we move into 2022, may we live each day with purpose and possibility. Happy New Year, my friends 💓.


Note: I no longer update on this blog, except for the very occasional post. This doesn't mean I'm not still painting - on the contrary, I paint almost every day. However, it's a lot of work to post on this blog and the traffic doesn't justify the effort. Hence, I've shifted to Instagram instead, where I have more than 4,000 followers and counting. I post daily. If you want to know what I've been up to, you'll be able to see my artwork and read my captions. Do follow me there!
